Tanzbeschreibung / Stepsheet

Electric Slide
Choreographed by Unknown
Description: 18 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance
Musik: Electric Boogie by Marcia Griffiths CD: Millenniums Greatest Line Dance Party

1-2 Step to the right on right foot, step left foot behind right foot
3-4 Step to the right on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot

5-6 Step to the left on left foot, step right foot behind left foot
7-8 Step to the left on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot

9 Step right back
10 Step left back
11 Step right back
12 Touch left heel forward

13 Step left in place
14 Touch right toe in place
At same time rock forward or dip down and touch floor with right hand, (or just get funky, shake shoulders, hips, whatever).
15 Step right in place
16 Touch left heel in place

17 Step left in place
18 Hitch right knee or Scuff
Using the momentum of the hitch, turn yourself ¼ left to begin the dance again


This 18-count dance has been around for many, many years, and has seen thousands of variations. For example, some dancers will turn the first 8 counts into a vine right with a scuff and a vine left with a scuff, with an optional full turn on either or both vines. This is a very common variation. But the slides as shown in counts 1-8 above are presumably where the dance got its name, so we choose to offer it this way

In April of 2003, Ric Silver produced a 22-count contra line dance called The Electric (aka Electric Slide), which he claims to have choreographed in 1976.

The 18-count Electric Slide appears to be the one being danced worldwide.

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Stepsheet 'Electric Slide' as PDF: Electric Slide.pdf

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